As usual, I'm just providing documentation so that anyone can refer
to it later, not demanding that anyone who's not interested becomes
Question 15 from this month's Twenty Questions
<<15. Dr. M. Scott Peck uses it to describe people who take too much
responsibility upon themselves and who are therefore the most likely
to benefit from a therapist. Give me this psychological adjective
describing people with "an emotional disorder in which feelings of
anxiety and obsessive thoughts dominate the personality." >>
Question 13 from a JCV 4 packet by Bryce Avery
<<13. Dr. M. Scott Peck uses it to describe people who take too much
responsibility upon themselves and who are therefore the most likely
to benefit from a therapist. For 10 points, give this psychological
adjective describing people with "an emotional disorder in which
feelings of anxiety and obsessive thoughts dominate the