Yo everyone. Thanks to NAQT and UNC for a very well-run tournament. Any g= roup that can make running a 68 team tournament look easy deserves serious a= ppreciation. Congratulations also to Michigan for a truly dominating perfor= mance. I don't feel very qualified to comment on the packets since, being NAQT que= stions, I played badly on them. I will, however, say this: as we entered r= ound 13, I was worried that the acrimony over "Protocols of the Elders of Zi= on" at sectionals would keep NAQT from asking more questions on reactionary = propaganda. Thus I too was pleased to hear "God and Man at Yale" come up. The real reason for my post however, that I'd like to read the following ex= cerpts (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/roadshow/speak/nouveau.html) into the = record: 'The style, which means "new art," gets its name from a design shop, La Mai= son de l'Art Nouveau, which German entrepreneur Siegfried Bing opened in Par= is in 1895. The shop was one of the major outlets for the glass of Emile Gal= le, the art glass of Louis Tiffany, the jewelry of Rene Lalique, and the fur= niture of Eugene Gaillard and George DeFeure—all signature artists in the Ar= t Nouveau tradition.' and in fairness (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/roadshow/speak/artdeco.html)= : 'One of the best examples of this paradigm shift can be seen in the work of= Parisian artist René Lalique, an Art Nouveau jeweler who turned to mass-pro= ducing elegant Art Deco glass when he approached 50.' Some may call this sour grapes, but I'd prefer to think of it as an extensi= on of my "Hose me once, shame on you. Hose me twice, shame on me" philosophy= and hope everyone involved understands that no malice is intended. Finally, I'd like to thank the prognosticator(s) who picked us to finish in= the bottom quarter of D1. They gave me something to laugh about on the way= home instead of reflecting on how I'd likely cost us our final match throug= h my ignorance of the geography of my own beloved home state. J.p. President and Polemarch, UIUC ABT
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