I'm putting together the questions for our upcoming high school
tournament Saturday, and I could use some last-minute help. A couple
of sources I was expecting questions from haven't come through. Right
now I'm short in math, computer science, and biology, and to a lesser
extent in chemistry. I'll write them myself if need be, but those
aren't my strong subjects. So anyone who can get me a fair number of
high school level questions (in the neighborhood of 5/5, although I'll
take somethin less balanced) on these subjects will earn my gratitude,
not to mention a free set of questions from this tournament or one of
our others for your practice use.
(I'm also short in literature, and while I'm more comfortable writing
those myself, if you have the urge to help out I sure wouldn't turn it
E-mail me at steinhic_at_... if you have any questions, or if
you have many questions. Thanks.