To help you plan your summer holidays, this is a pre-announcement of
tournaments to be held in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, on the weekend of
July 20-21, 2002.
Saturday: Fourth annual Vancouver Estival Trivia Open, a
guerrilla-style open tournament -- different from previous years in
that each team will have to write a FULL packet of questions. So
writers for NAQT or for any other tournament can play, and we'd love
to have you visit! VETO will be mirrored in London, Ontario, and
packets will be shared. At the end of the day, the champions at each
site will play in the third annual Trans-Canada Championship Match
over Canadian-invented telephones.
Sunday: Second annual Count Chocula's Toilet Bowl, a trash tournament
hosted by Simon Fraser University. An announcement for this will be
made soon.
The weekend will also feature the Exit Music audio recall competition.
We're still working out the details, but we wanted to get this on the
calendar. Full announcements will be posted later. Send any
questions or comments to: pmcc _at_