First off-- I am speaking for myself and not as a member of TRASH. So
what follows is just my opinion.
I wanted to thank the folks at the University of Michigan for being
great hosts. They were very easy to work with, helpful, and just all
around nice.
The teams at the tournament were exceptionally good sports and good
players. It was nice to see teams complimenting opposing players on
impressive buzzes and shaking hands after matches. The level of play
was also incredible. On the first day of play I know of only one
question that went unanswered (and I'm not even sure about that)! It
made reading very enjoyable.
It was exciting to have teams come from all over the country as well
as from Canada. Teams helped transport buzzers, boomboxes, and SFU
even cut over 100 bagels on Saturday!
Anyway, I was really heartened to see such a high level or
camaraderie and play.
Alexis Mansfield