Also, let me say two things in praise that I forgot to put in the
last post:
(1) Roger did edit the questions excellently; minimal (if any)
potential for hosing, very few clunker questions.
(2) I looked back at my stat book, and found that I had heard of at
least 17 of the toss-up answers in every packet, 19 in a good number
of them. So in many cases if I did not have a chance on a question,
it was due to my lack of knowledge on a subject, not because it was
an obscure or poor question. Thus in that sense the questions as a
whole were accessible to the teams.
As for the astronomy/earth science questions, though, why not require
teams to submit 1 (toss-up or bonus) of a combined category of those
two per packet? If there are 10 science questions in any give packet
(just a guess), then I feel that having 10% of the science answers
devoted to these two subjects is fair.
Just some thoughts; thanks...