> actual economics knowlege. The questions on Black-Scholes and duopoly
> models were much appreciated, but I fear that those two topics are
> too obscure to take up entire questions. I suspect that only an econ
> major could have a shot at any points with those questions.
I have to admit that I had no idea what a "duopoly" was, but one could
have come up with the answer by semantic inference from "monopoly." As
for Black-Scholes, I think that could be considered as much a current-
events question as a genuine econ one. In addition to being the subject
of a recent Nobel prize, the notion of how one goes about pricing
derivatives is far from an irrelevant or purely academic question. It's
the kind of econ question that you could get just as well from reading
Business Week as from a textbook, which I at least think is all to the
All of which is to say that I share in your appreciation, and would
even go so far as to remove the reservations.