On a non-ACF or TRASHionals note (I almost feel ashamed for breaking
th e pattern ;)....
The Grinnell College Academic Team has selected new officers for the
2002-2003 academic year, as most of the current officerial corps will
be studying abroad for part or all of the year. All correspondence in
regards to tournaments and such should now be sent to our new
co-presidents, Mark Gardiner (gardiner _at_...) and Steve Ford
(fordstep _at_...).
Although I will be out of the country for the first half of the
2002-2003 school year, I will continue to serve in an advisory/adjunct
role to the new officers via email, writing questions, etc. until my
return to the States, so if any of you so desire you may continue to
include me as a secondary Grinnell contact for tournament
announcements and the like; however, primary correspondence and emails
pertaining to any teams Grinnell has registered in tournaments should
now be addressed to Steve and Mark.
Brad Houston
Grinnell College Academic Team