Fluidmosaic6 wrote:
> The Castrioti Scale of Question Hardness sounds authoritative,
> scientific and European. It's also a Chevy dealership around here,
> if you remove "Scale of", "Question", and "Hardness".
(Really?) For fun, anyway,
I guess my inclination is to call it the Levinson-Castrioti Scale of
Question Difficulty (trying to give credit where credit is due--
DavidLevinson inspired the idea by trying to figure out whether Tonio
Kroger or Felix Krull was more difficult using google), yet the
equation 10-logN = difficulty (where N = hits on google), as far as I
know, is original. Plus, I think it somehow sounds more academic with
a hyphen --This, of course, only if DavidLevinson has no objection...
--Wesley (not really trying to resurrect an old thread)