na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na quizbowl! na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na quizbowl! quizbowl! quizbowl! quizbowl! This is to formally announce the annual Michigan masters tournament. After much deliberation, we have decided to dedicate our tournament to two things essential to quizbowl's future: Adam Kemezis procreating, and soap. The distribution will be as follows: 4/4 Lit 4/4 History 4/4 Science 1/1 Trash (will probably concern absurd topics) 1/1 Geography 2/1 or 1/2 Social Science 3/2 or 2/3 R/M/P 2/2 Fine Arts In addition, we reserve the right to change the distribution in the following way: the inclusion of 1/1 "Adam Kemezis" and/or "Basic Grooming Habits." However, be aware that these questions may have nothing to do whatsoever with Adam or hygiene, but might constitute an "impossible" tossup or bonus that will be worth double the normal point values. (20 and 60, respectively). If this is included, it will be 1/1 per packet, and it will not be annouced before the tossup or bonus is actually read. If you are able to get the tossup or bonus, then the moderator will run out into the hallway and shout, "Jumanji!" The tournament will be held on August 17th, here in lovely Ann Arbor. As last year, the tournament will be for two man teams. The fee structure is yet to be determined, but I'd imagine its going to be between 50-75 dollars per team. (No packet requirement, as we are writing everything.) Also, the tournament will feature a soap exchange, a la Secret Santa, so bring your most fragrant bars and lotions (we encourage players to test them out before attending!). At the end of the tournament, the "Cleanest Person in Quizbowl" will be declared from participants. That man or woman will receive an all expense paid meal at a local dining establishment with Mr. Adam Kemezis, the only man to win the quizbowl triple crown (crowns will be provided). There will also be other prizes. Finally, we'd like to urge more teams to attend this year. In the past years we had an incredibly strong field, and we'd like for it to be even better this year. (Last year featured such illustrious players as Vik Vaz and the now-vindicated Nathan Freeburg). There are many fine players who didn't come last year (you know who you are). If for no other reason, come to be entertained: One bonus leadin was described by Haggai Elitzur as "the funniest bonus leadin ever written", while a bonus mentioning the exploits of Hans of Iceland sent Andrew Yaphe into paroxyms of laughter. Please email me to register (plitwak_at_...). I look forward to seeing you all this summer at Chicago Open and beyond. ADAM KEMEZIS IS BIGGER THAN JESUS NOW! Paul Litvak, Ben Heller, Mark Calaguas et al.
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