Some people from Berkeley, Stanford, and Silicon Age converged to
play on the SOB Singles Tournament yesterday.
Congratulations to David Farris who finished first. Seth Teitler
finished second, and Prasun "The Titan of Quizbowl" Ray finished
The questions were, on the whole, excellent: full of solid,
challenging clues and entirely accessible answers. The science was a
tad weak, but the overall quality made up for it. I have to say that
this tournament exemplified a large part of what question-writing is
about. People would do well to learn by the examples set therein
(i.e. put some damn clues in your questions instead of writing six
lines about nothing). I have a lot more to say on this topic, but
it'll have to wait for another day.
Overall, it was a really fun experience. Thanks to Berkeley for
running a fun, informal event (and for putting up with some of our
late-night insanity). I'm looking forward to future scrimmages.
R. Bhan