This year VETO will be mirrored once again at the University of
Western Ontario. All the basic stuff has been outlined in Peter's
original message
(, so I just need
to know who is coming to London that weekend. You can contact me at
ambishop _at_
The tournament will be held in our usual tournament spot, University
College. Directions and other information (such as hotels) can be
found at (and
since it's the summer, you might be able to find accomodation on
If there is enough interest, I'd like to mirror Count Chocula's Toilet
Bowl (on the 21st) and Hanson Ho's audio recall tournament as well, so
please let me know if you want to play those as well.
If you are looking for other things to do in London that weekend, July
19-21 is the extremely exciting Home County Folk Festival
For more information see the CAQL website,
Adam Bishop
UWO Quiz Bowl