Title of post should be read in the voice of Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrain of The Dukes of Hazzard. And in the words of Pittsburgh Penguins' announcer Mike Lang, "HEEEEEE shoots and scorrrrres! Buy Sam a drink and get his dog one tooooo!" My good news is that I just got a good job offer. In the fall I'll be starting with the physics department at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. This is a HUGE step up in quality of school from where I currently work, which shall remain nameless because that's what it deserves. It's a two-year visiting assistant professor position, at a good liberal arts college with a healthy physics major program. I suppose it's possible that they'll really like me and want to keep me longer, but even if not, this is precisely the kind of experience I need to get a tenure-track job at a similar place a year or two from now. I'll be close enough to Pittsburgh to come down for Saturday tournaments, but weeknight practices at Pitt and CMU will unfortunately be off my schedule. I know that Allegheny has shown up at some CBI regionals -- I'm not sure I'll be there for long enough to build anything like a traveling program, though I'll at least see what the possibilities are. Doug This E-Mail powered by Cobweb Internet Services http://www.cobweb.net
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