The Eight Annual Michigan One-on-One Tournament or "Kidder Cup" will be held on the day before Memorial Day (This forthcoming Sunday, May 26, 2002) on the beautiful campus of the University of Michigan - in the Modern Languages Building (you know, the place it was last year. I already have the rooms reserved! You may also know it as the place where this year's MLK was held). <> Plan on a 8:30 am arrival, 9:00 am start. We will do our best to be done by 6:00 pm and we will have a nice, one hour lunch break, on people's own. How it works: You play 1-on-1 vs. every one in the tournament (hopefully). No complaining about your teammates stealing your tossups, no bickering about which bonus answer to use - it will all be your fault. After a round robin, the top eight playoff for the Kidder Cup - and has the honor of immediately renaming the trophy after his or herself and will take possession of the Kidder Cup (Oh, and Dwight, could you please bring the Kidder Cup and could someone from MAC please bring the P-Touch). New from last year, the remaining contestants shall play in a lower division playoff, at the request of several of the participants. What to bring: You will need to write one packet. You should follow the Michigan guidelines posted here: <> and <> Each packet should have 30 and 30 questions so we can allow for repeats. Try to avoid using the May 25 newspaper for current events, since if everybody did that, there will be a ton of repeats. Also try to avoid things that only you would know, or you'll getting a lot of boos and hisses. You will need to bring enough copies of your packets for every room. IF YOU HAVE A BUZZER Please bring it, even if only two buzzers work, it will make like easier for all. We have clocks, we NEED buzzers. Also, this tournament will feature "guerilla editing", which not only means we'll try to snag repeats only before the next round, we'll also know whom to blame if we, the players, don't like a round. Also, you will be expected to help staff on your bye/byes. Rules of play: --Full round robin (depends on turnout and moderator availability) --Top 8 make playoffs --8 minute halves with NAQT-style clock rules --Person with most points wins the game --Ties broken by three-toss-up OT. After that, ties stand in the prelims. Interested in playing: Right now, the field is currently closed. We're at about 14-16 people, which is our carrying capacity. If you are on this list, I expect you to be there on Sunday, or I expect a not very soon saying you won't be there. At present, the following people have signed up: Mike Burger (confirmed) David Bykowski (confirmed) Anthony De Jesus (confirmed) Nathan Freeburg (confirmed) Dwight Kidder (confirmed) Matt Lafer (confirmed) Paul Litvak (confirmed) Rob Long (confirmed) Subash Maddipoti (perhaps) Nate Meyvis (confirmed) Emily Moore (confirmed) Sudheer Portuu (confirmed) Mike Sorice (probable) Mitchell Szczepanczyk (confirmed) David Thorsley (confirmed) Matt Weiner (confirmed) Interested in staffing: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. E-mail me at (cdbarker_at_...) so I can sleep at night. Right now, I have myself, Anne Mitchell, Kevin Olmstead, Julie Stahlhut (maybe), and Brandy Shattuck (probable, need to confirm), and Ryan Blay (maybe). If you're not on this list, please let me know if you plan to be there. Cost: Zip. Nada. Zilch. Playoff Packets: Ben Heller, Ezequiel Berdichevsky, Leo Wolpert, and myself are working together to write three playoff packets. I appreciate their hard work on this endeavor and know that they will be of the highest quality. We will also make these packets available for trade. Questions About the Tournament: Craig Barker will be running the tournament again, but is smart enough to know not to play in this thing again (which is a commentary on my personal skill as a player, not about the tournament). If you have a question, you can email Craig at cdbarker_at_... I think I got everything, but if I missed a critical point, please let me know so I can fix it and let people know. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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