A few bits of news and information regarding TRASH... -- Work has begun on a question set for the TRASH Follow That Junior Bird. More information/updates will be provided by my cohorts in the coming weeks. -- Work has also begun on selling old question sets. At this time, TRASH editors are looking over the questions again to fix typos as well as update any "out-of-date" information. Once this is done, we'll let you know what's for sale, for how much, and who to send the money to :) -- After TRASHionals, the TRASH webpage asked players whether they wanted to see a summer masters tournament in Las Vegas. The response - overwhelmingly yes! Granted, we tried this a few years ago, and it didn't work. But given the preparation time we have for such a tournament (over one year now vs. about six weeks last time), this will work. The reason I mention this now is because TRASH is close to reaching a deal with a hotel/casino/resort about one hour's drive from Las Vegas to hold a summer masters tourney in July 2003. But before any deal is agreed to, TRASH needs to know who would be interesting in playing and, more importantly, would be interested in officiating. If there isn't enough interest, particularly with the latter (which was another problem the last time), then no tourney. E-mail me at jdinan_at_... with your answers. Please put "TRASH Vegas" on the subject header. Also, in order to be fair to the East Coasters, TRASH is looking to host a mirror tourney in Atlantic City, NJ in July 2003. James Dinan Business Manager, TRASH jdinan_at_...
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