I saw part of Calvin's performance on TV--very impressive! Congrats to him. I think it's probably not too soon to think about attending the University of South Florida in a couple years! <G> To get started in Quiz Bowl, you should visit the Maize Pages for a lot of good info: http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/index.html There are occasionally "open" tournaments that accept exhibition teams from all quarters. Typically, however, your sons would represent their school or equivalent (for example, in Pinellas County, FL, there is a home school coalition called HEAT that competes in sports and other competitions versus the neighboring public and private schools) in a quiz competition. Matt Weiner has a good page on H.S. tournaments at: http://www.hsquizbowl.org. There are also various competitions for elementary or J.H. teams, but I'm not too familiar with them. I believe they are mostly localized events (i.e., county or statewide). Here are a couple I know of: http://www.greatauk.com/KMO.html and http://www.newsbowl.com/newsbowl/index.html. P.S. I didn't know the answer to Calvin's winning question, but I probably could have guessed from the place name: "Winning question: Lop Nur, a marshy depression at the east end of the Tarim Basin, is a nuclear test site for which country? Answer: China" --- In quizbowl_at_y..., "puritanone" <info_at_p...> wrote: > I am new to this list. I was wanting to find out which quiz bowls > those on this list might recommend for my 2 sons aged 12 and 10. My > younger son (Calvin) recently won the National Geographic Bee, and we > were wanting to find some other academic competitions that might be > suitable for him and his brother (D. Parnell). Both are home > schooled. > > Thank you so much for your assistance and advice in this matter. > > - J. Parnell McCarter > Grand Rapids, Michigan > www.puritans.net
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