Once again UTC is seeking freelance packets for its upcoming
tournaments -- Muck Masters (trash) on Sat., August 3, and Moc Masters
(academic) on Sun., Aug. 4. Packet specs are contained in the
announcements that went out in the last few group messages.
What's in it for you? Practice questions galore. For a full round
of 25/25 received by July 21, since this is summer, we'll pay
overtime. You'll get the quetions from the tournament you write for
*and* questions from any of UTC's previous tournaments. Or you can
earn a $15 credit to be applied to your fees at the next UTC-run
tournament you attend. (Freelance packets received between July 21
and July 31 will still get you one tournament set.)
If you really don't feel like writing a full round for either
format, I'll offer the same deal for 28/28 blind questions divided
between academic and trash, regardless of balance.
If you're interested, e-mail me at steinhic_at_....