A GW team of Tim Young and Edmund Schluessel bested
Gerbiltalkers (Matt Boggie, Jon Couture, Matt Harper-Nixon,
Chris Rosenberg) in the final round to take Cancel Bowl 3:
Savory Mimetic Paradigms While U Wait. This earned them the
championship prize- a really ugly wooden fish- and both got
vertical XFL flags. The runners up got a Babson College variety
pack, consisting of a "50 Years of Babson MBA" hat, three Spring
Weekend shot glasses, and a Winter Weekend ice scraper.
Individually, Tim Young took top scoring honors, thus giving him
the last pick in the Yankee swap-style prize parade. I believe he
wound up with a copy of _Vitale : Just Your Average Bald,
One-Eyed Basketball Wacko Who Beat the Ziggy and Became a
PTPer_. Steve Lawrie of Princeton took neg king honors,
winning a promo pack from a local blueberry juice manufacturer
to drown his sorrows.
Full details up soon. Thanks to all for turning out, and thanks to
Matt Couture, Mike Hoey-Lukakis, and the incredibly patient
Sarah Harriman for their assistance.