This is a quick reminder that TRASH Regionals 2002 is scheduled for the weekend of November 8-10, 2002 at various sites across the United States and Canada! The following sites are hosting TRASH Regionals that weekend... NEW ENGLAND - Boston University. Contact: Ellen Rosoff <elro_at_...> MID-ATLANTIC - Carnegie-Mellon University. Contact: Jason Weill <jweill_at_...> SOUTH - Duke University. Contact: Emil Thomas Chuck <etchuck_at_...> SOUTHWEST - University of Oklahoma. Contact: David Murphy <Blasmo_at_...> GREAT LAKES - University of Western Ontario. Contact: Adam Bishop <grenfell__at_...> MIDWEST - University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Contact: J.P. Lien <johnlien_at_...> WEST - University of Cal-Berkeley. Contact: Seth Teitler <satelite_at_...> PNW - Simon Fraser University. Contact: Hanson Ho <hansonho_at_...> In the coming weeks, the contacts will be posting info on the Yahoo! Quizbowl and QB Trash sites regarding tournament costs, play and the like. We're still looking for a few more Regional hosts. Our immediate needs are the Deep South and Upper Midwest regionals, although all regions are welcome. To step up to the plate, e-mail me at jdinan_at_... That's it for now. And remember, watch your step. James Dinan Business Manager, TRASH jdinan_at_...
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