At this point it looks like there is a good chance of having a mirror
of Anthony de Jesus' singles tournament (20-25 interested parties) on
Sunday and a mirror of Science Masters (9-10 interested parties)
either on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon. One problem though, I
am looking for people to run both tournaments as I might play in both
and/or will be too tired to do either. The room space is reserved
for both days, so that won't be a problem.
I'll ask other Chicago people if they would be interested next time I
see them, but in the meantime if you're going to be in town that
weekend and would be interested in running either tournament, please
e-mail me at suby10_at_... or subash_at_..., or you can e-
mail Seth Teitler for the Science Masters at
satelite_at_... or Anthony de Jesus at ard_at_....
Please e-mail me if you any questions.