First off, let me apologize to anyone who had to moderate on these
packets this past weekend. There were far too many typos, and I'm in
the process of fixing them for anyone who wants the questions.
As for the difficulty - this was a damn hard tournament, probably too
hard in some cases. I have a feeling that the difficulty would have
been more appropriate for next March/April when everyone's in
practice as opposed to the summer, when everyone is so rusty. So, I
hope you all still had fun despite the difficulty. If you have any
comments, good or bad, feel free to e-mail me at suby10_at_..., or
you can publicly scrutinize on this forum.
As to those who want the questions - $10 for 14 rounds if you played,
$20 if you didn't. You can e-mail me, and I will start sending them
out next week, after I've fixed some things.