I like your idea, in theory. But much like Communism, the centralized planning could screw some teams. There will always be extenuating circumstances for tournament scheduling, and sometimes it's a last-minute afterthought. Besides, does anybody amongst us who runs their schools program want some alien governing body dictating to you when you can schedule your tournament and forcing you to requisition a weekend? On top of that, there will always be poorly run and overall shitty tournaments. This is VERY true in high school, and, talking from pure observation and speculation, there will be poorly run tournaments in college. This too can lead to low tournament attendance. Besides, who decides what is fair in getting a tournament scheduled? A five-panel board. Ok, what are their guidelines? Basically, the FAIREST way about it is first-come first-serve, which is the existing system. All this panel would do is officially notify other tournaments that there is another tournament already scheduled, something that this board is fairly capable of doing on its own. If a team chooses to host a tournament when they KNOW that there is another tournament, they should just accept that they won't have ideal turn-out. The only alternative would be restriciting each geographic region to one tournament per weekend, which gives certain teams monopolies on play for a given week, while putting other teams at a severe disadvantage. Your idea sounds great, but I'm all about the capitalist free-for-all first-come first-serve suck it up and play deal that seems to be the existing environment. DOWN WITH MARX!!!!!!! Thank you, and have a nice day Stephen
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