High School Quiz Bowlers: Clemson University, in the beautiful Upstate of South Carolina, is pleased to announce the Fracas 2002 High School Quiz Bowl Tournament. This tournament, hosted by Clemson Quiz Bowl, will be run as an un-timed NAQT-qualifying, one-day event. We will hold this year's tournament on Saturday, October 26, 2002 on Clemson's main campus. Rounds will consist of 20 tossups and boni, with a brief pause in the action after 10 toss-ups for a score check. We are providing the question packets from NAQT. Full explanations of the rules are available at: http://www.naqt.com/rules.html We expect to limit the field to 20 teams, pending room and moderator availability. Beginning immediately, we will reserve slots for teams who plan to compete. After 20 teams reserve slots, we will place additional teams on a waiting list. To reserve slots for the tournament, contact Roger Whitehead at: clemsonquizbowl_at_.... Please reserve by October 18th. Information will be posted to CQB's homepage shortly: http://union.clemson.edu/upac/quizbowl ELIGIBILITY: All players must be students currently enrolled at a high school in the United States. Teams may have any number of players, but only four can play at once. Substitution of players may be made during the half-time break in a match. All team members must be students from the same high school. FEES: The base fee for Fracas 2002 is $65/team. A team's fee is reduced by $5 for every working buzzer you bring (a maximum of 2/team) and by $10 for bringing an adult moderator (max 1/team). The maximum combination of buzzers and moderators will be one of each per team for a total maximum discount of $15 per team. Moderators are expected to work for the duration of the tournament (up until the playoff rounds). Pay by cash or send your check made payable to: Clemson University. ACCOMODATIONS: For teams that are interested in staying over night the 25th, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Sleep Inn and Ramada Inn. Details will be included in registration confirmation letters. Room reservations need to be made by October 4th to receive the block book rates so don't delay in registering your team. CONTACT INFORMATION: Roger Whitehead and Chris Foster, Co-chairmen Quiz Bowl Clemson University 602 University Union Clemson, SC 29634 864-656-8722 clemsonquizbowl_at_... http://union.clemson.edu/upac/quizbowl
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