To all TRASH-philes: After a bit of wrangling, I am glad to say that I have secured the rooms for the South TRASH Regional tournament for Saturday, November 9, 2002. At this point, I have secured rooms for a 16-team field, but certainly a field larger than 16 would be very welcome if I know by a month ahead. To join my makeshift mailing list for TRASH South 2002, please email me at my usual Yahoo email address at etchuck. Short details --- Building: Social Sciences (West Campus): 7 rooms + HQ if needed We used this building for last January's MLK Jr. tournament Registration: 8:00 to 8:45 am (Breakfast will depend on the number of teams attending; otherwise, places are open as early as 5:30 am, and there are a few 24-hour diner places too.) I will likely forego a long introductory session unless you people REALLY need a tutorial on how to play this game. The TRASH representatives (should they descend upon us and assist) may also want to say a few words, but I leave that up to them (James Q or D) to tell me. Entry fee: pretty much identical to usual TRASH standards with a small surcharge to get pizzas Discounts planned: buzzer systems, free-lance readers, novice players discount (players playing less than 2? years/fewer than 3? college-level pop culture or trash-content tournaments) Reasons to book your hotel rooms early (November 9): Duke football (BYE weekend, still loses game [kidding]) UNC football (plays Clemson at UNC) ACC field hockey championship tournament held at Duke Contact: etchuck
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