I was glad to see the post about the novice tourney that UIUC is
hosting in November. I think it is important to the perpetuation of
our "sport" for there to be good competition geared towards younger
players. Outside of a few regional things, and the NAQT stuff,
which have the two divisions there are not many opportunities for
young players other than playing against people with several years
more experience than they have. Unfortunately, we cannot attend the
November tourney because of a high school tourney we are hosting
that weekend. I would love to see some more good Junior Bird
events, and if there are any teams interested in the travel, we
would consider hosting one at Texas A&M. To that end, if there are
any other people looking to host a novice tourney, please do. And
if there are any teams that would be willing to make the trip to the
lovely Bryan/College Station area, let me know and we can look into
Alex Metcalf