Just to let you all know the following tournaments are tentatively being announced for the Duke College Bowl team: (1) Sat, October 19, 2002: High School Celebrity Shoot Biography Tournament Currently, the HSCS is restricted to teams from North Carolina or within 100 miles of the NC state border; however, teams from outside of the state may petition to compete and be admitted on a first-come first-served basis. If there is a significant number of out-of-state teams competing, the top North Carolina school team will be recognized. NOTE: This competition is scheduled to be mirrored the following weekend at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. The format involves a written-answer format without the use of buzzer systems and is specifically designed to test team knowledge with a series of individual and team tests. Students will be asked to identify nationally or internationally famous individuals in academic and non-academic areas. For more information, go to http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/hsbio/ . A team consists of exactly four students; there are no alternates or substitutions made during the course of the day. We will recognize top freshman/sophomore students based on the scores of the individual timed test round. Although there is no theoretical limit to the field size of the tournament, practically, I will set a limit of 30 teams (120 students). If 25 or more student teams compete, cash prizes will be awarded to the top four overall individuals ($100, $75, $50, $25 for 1st to 4th places). Entry fee is $55 for the first team, with $5 for each additional competitor (or $20 per additional team). In the history of the tournament, every student who has attended has competed as we have formed ad hoc chimeric teams (some including coaches, who are ineligible for prizes). An entry fee discount of $20 will be applied if a team registers before September 26 (meaning, your first team fee would effectively be $35). A copy of the 2002 questions are included in your registration. Furthermore, all coaches committing by the early deadline date will receive free electronic copies of the 2000 and 2001 HSCS questions to prepare their students. To register, please send an email to etchuck_at_... and declare your intent to compete. Rosters are not frozen until you submit them on competition day. On-site registration is scheduled for 8:00 am to 9:00 am, with the first event scheduled for 9:45 am (the increased time is needed for confirming ad hoc team assignments). We anticipate that we will be done with the tournament by 6:00 pm. TENTATIVE: Sat, February 15, 2002: Duke Academic Festival The tournament is open to teams from all across the southeast. I will give fair warning now, that the room reservations bureaucracy has changed and policies are in effect regarding room reservations that may affect our ability to hold a large tournament. We will keep teams apprised of our decisions, but we wish to make it clear that when this tournament opens for registration, the number of slots we will offer is likely to be fewer than 48 teams.
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