> Finally, I think we ought to once and for all lose the notion that
> quiz bowl is a legitimate "college sport," and thus cease all
> comparisons. I enjoy quiz bowl as much as the next person, but
> there's a different structure present. Since there aren't
> professional leagues available for quiz bowlers who have "used up
> their amateur status," it's either "end after four years" or "keep
> playing," and many people want to keep playing, which is certainly
> within their rights as things stand. Thus the idea of "one
> and booting people out" is never going to work. Anyway, it's not
> like there aren't undergrads who can hold their own with grad
> students.
I don't think the lack of a professional structure makes quizbowl
different from sports...in fact, *most* sports that are played in
college don't have viable professional leagues for their players
following graduation...Players play for 4 years, graduate, then go do
something else (maybe involving coaching, etc.).