If anyone was thinking about going to Quesadilla (Caltech's free
bring-your-own-packet-tournament) on Saturday, but can't get a packet
together, I have written a packet to be used at the tournament. First
person to e-mail me at my Yahoo account ( jordanbg - at - yahoo.com )
can have it e-mailed to them Friday night (It still needs some work).
You'll still need to print it out and perhaps do some final editing
if you feel like it.
Please, don't be lazy if you can still write a packet. I reserve the
right to refuse anyone who is perfectly able to punch out a packet the
night before.
Since I'm a good distance from CA, I don't know anything about what's
going on with teams, times, etc. (I think Kevin's going to make a post
soon about it) . . .