2007 London Central

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2007 London Central team

The 2006-07 team from London Central won the Thames Valley Schoolreach League, the 2007 Ontario Reach for the Top Championships, and the 2007 Reach for the Top Nationals. They swept through the field in Ontario and Nationals.

The team re-united after graduation to play in "Ontario Bowl" at Toronto. They lost their first match, claiming to not know the rules, then won the rest of their games to finish 3rd in a field of 16. Three members continued to compete as the 2008 Western team, taking 3rd in DII at the Canadian NAQT SCT, 5th in their hosted mirror of the Ottawa Hybrid Tournament, and runner-up in DII at the 2008 NAQT ICT.

Captain: Peter Burton

Regulars: Ian Good, Will Nediger, Will Pazner, Will van Hemmesen

Reach for the Top Champion
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