2023 British Student Quiz Championships

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2023 British Student Quiz Championships
Champion Imperial A
Runner-up Oxford A
Third Cambridge A
Fourth tie: Durham A, Edinburgh A
High scorer Nicholas Winter
Site Imperial
Field 24
Stats [1]

The 2023 British Student Quiz Championships were held at Imperial College London on the 4th of March 2023. The tournament was run on a Briticised version of the 2023 IQBT Undergraduate Championship. 11 different universities were represented.


This was the first BSQC to use a dedicated qualifying round. Cambridge, Edinburgh, Imperial, Oxford A and Oxford B all qualified from having placed fourth or higher in the previous year's BSQC. 15 further teams were selected via a dedicated qualifying round, in which they were read 60 sets of bonus questions (the same questions used to qualify teams for the IQBT Undergraduate Championship). The final four teams were selected as wildcards.

Tournament summary

Prelim brackets were won by Cambridge A (Harrison Whitaker, Liam Hughes, Abigail Tan, Oscar Despard), Edinburgh A (Nicholas Winter, Ben Russell Jones, Patrick Hartley, Elian Corstanje), Imperial A (Justin Lee, Michael Mays, Adam Jones, Enoch Yuen) and Oxford A (Jacob Robertson, Omer Keskin, Mehmet Tatoglu, Oliver Hargrave). By the end of the playoff matches, Imperial A and Oxford A led with one defeat each, with Imperial having beaten Oxford A 305-255 and having lost to Edinburgh A 255-185. Imperial and Oxford went on to play in a one-game final, the first not to feature Cambridge since 2015. Oxford built an early narrow lead, which was soon closed by Imperial. A string of incorrect interruptions from Oxford handed the win to Imperial, with the final scoreline reading 370-185. A recording of the final was uploaded to YouTube.

Participating universities


  • This was the first time since 2002 that any university other than Oxford or Cambridge won the British Student Quiz Championships.
  • This is the only BSQC in which the University of Manchester was absent.
  • This is the only BSQC in which neither of the previous year's finalist teams reached the final (excluding 2021, when no final was held).