Erik Christensen

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Erik Christensen
Noted subjects History, Thought, Film, Pop Music
Past colleges Waterloo (2018)
High school Martingrove Collegiate Institute
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Erik Christensen is a former player for the University of Waterloo. He was the top overall scorer in Division II of the 2018 ICT and has become a regular attendee of open events since graduating. He previously played Reach for the Top at Martingrove.

A pivotal figure in the Canadian circuit, Erik has head-edited recent editions of MRNA Vaccine and Ontario Hybrid and has subject-edited several categories—particularly history—for sets such as ACF Regionals and NAFTA. Erik is also known for his side events and pop culture writing, including but not limited to Ahead by a Century, Reel Knowledge, Sign of the Times, and No Banter Please. He has the unfortunate distinction of being on the Biggest Haters list.