Noah Rahman

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Noah Rahman was an excellent player for Solon High School. Rahman was the leading overall scorer at the 2005 NAQT HSNCT. Over the ten rounds of statistics kept by NAQT from the tournament, Rahman put up a statline of 25-56-17-76.58, nearly 10 PP20TH better than runner-up Joel Knight of DCC (66.67).

After Solon, Rahman played at Caltech. At the 2006 NAQT ICT, Rahman was the leading scorer for a Caltech team that finished 3rd in DII. Individually, he finished third among DII players (19-57-10-56.29) In 2007, he was again Caltech's leading scorer at ICT, leading Caltech to a 22nd place overall finish in DI (5th place among undergrad teams).

Rahman earned a BS in chemistry at Caltech before earning an MA in the same at California-Santa Barbara. He is working on a PhD in physics at Tulane.

He designed the original version of the automated tournament calendar database for prior to its replacement by Jeffrey Hill's system.

HSNCT Leading Scorer
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Jason Loy
Brendan Byrne
NSC Leading Scorer
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Chris Ray