Washington (Missouri High School)

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Washington, MO
Coaches David Dennis
State Championships 2015, 2016 MACA JV State

2017 NAQT

2017 MSHSAA Class 4

National Championships None
National Appearances HSNCT: 2016, 2018
PACE: 2015, 2017
Program Status Active
School Size 984[1]
NAQT Page link

Washington High School is a public high school located in Washington, MO. The team is currently coached by David Dennis, who also coached the school district's middle school team until 2023. Dennis is assisted by Jacob O'Rourke (High School level).

The team hosts an annual high school tournament and an annual middle school tournament. The team collaborated with Hickman and Miami Valley to produce the WHAQ series of question sets.


  • James Collier (Class of 2019)
  • Audrey Bush (Class of 2020)
  • Marcie Lampe (Class of 2020)
  • Elise Thierbach (Class of 2020)
  • Ely Schulte (Class of 2020)
  • Harsh Patel (Class of 2021)
  • Max Grimes (Class of 2021)
  • Katlynn Miller (Class of 2021)
  • Michael Lampe (Class of 2021)
  • Kaleb Burr (Class of 2021)
  • Evan Courtaway (Class of 2021)
  • Zach Miesner (Class of 2021)


Tournament Results

2017-2018 Results

Tournament Host Location Finish Team Members Statistics
Eureka Fall Kickoff Tournament Eureka A (2nd); B (4th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Evan Courtaway, Carrie Derner, Elise Thierbach); B (Audrey Bush, James Collier, Marcie Lampe) Prelims Playoffs Combined
FRANC East Central A (1st); B (5th) A (Michael Lampe, Marcie Lampe, Max Grimes, Elise Thierbach); B (Zach Miesner, Evan Courtaway, Katlynn Miller) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Hallsville Fall Hallsville A (1st); B (4th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Audrey Bush, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill); B (Marcie Lampe, Michael Lampe, Kaleb Burr, Evan Courtaway, Elise Thierbach, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
Oakville SCOP Novice Oakville A (1st); B (4th); C (8th) A (Audrey Bush, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach); B (Michael Lampe, Kaleb Burr, Max Grimes); C (Harsh Patel, Evan Courtaway, Katlynn Miller) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Washington University Fall Academic Tournament III WUSTL A (7th); B (27th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, James Collier, Ryan Hill); B (Evan Courtaway, Katlynn Miller, Elise Thierbach, Max Grimes, Michael Lampe) Prelims Playoffs Consolation Superplayoffs and superplacement Combined
MOQBA Fall Championship MOQBA at Columbia College A (4th); B (8th); C (25th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, James Collier, Ryan Hill); B (Audrey Bush, Elise Thierbach, Kaleb Burr, Michael Lampe); C (Max Grimes, Katlynn Miller, Evan Courtaway, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs All Games
Holt Winter Invitational Holt A (5th); B (10th) A (Audrey Bush, Marcie Lampe, Kaleb Burr, Michael Lampe); B (Max Grimes, Katlynn Miller, Evan Courtaway, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs and Championship All Games
TWAIN II Hannibal A (1st); B (18th) A (Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill, James Collier, Kaleb Burr); B (Michael Lampe, Max Grimes, Katlynn Miller, Evan Courtaway, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
Hallsville Invitational VI Hallsville A (2nd); B (4th); C (10th) A (Carrie Derner, James Collier, Jonathan Amlong); B (Kaleb Burr, Audrey Bush, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach); C (Max Grimes, Michael Lampe, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs Combined
WUHSAC XX WUSTL A (13th); B (17th); C (50th) A (Carrie Derner, James Collier, Jonathan Amlong, Ryan Hill); B (Kaleb Burr, Audrey Bush, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach); C (Evan Courtaway, Michael Lampe, Katlynn Miller, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
NAQT Missouri Qualifier Columbia College A (7th); B (t-15th) A (Carrie Derner, James Collier, Jonathan Amlong, Ryan Hill); B (Kaleb Burr, Audrey Bush, Elise Thierbach) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs All Games
Eagle Invitational Orchard Farm 4th Carrie Derner, James Collier, Jonathan Amlong, Ryan Hill Prelims Playoffs and Consolations Championship and Placements All Games
Eagle Invitational Orchard Farm 4th Carrie Derner, James Collier, Jonathan Amlong, Ryan Hill Prelims Playoffs and Consolations Championship and Placements All Games
MACA JV State Helias A (1st); B (6th); C (13th) A (Audrey Bush, Kaleb Burr, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach); B (Max Grimes, Michael Lampe, Harsh Patel); C (Evan Courtaway, Katlynn Miller) Prelims Playoffs Combined
LIST VII Ladue A (6th); B (t-7th); C (12th) A (Audrey Bush, James Collier, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill); B (Kaleb Burr, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach); C (Evan Courtaway, Michael Lampe, Harsh Patel) Prelims Playoffs and Consolation Superplayoffs and Placement Combined
HSNCT Atlanta Marriott Marquis A (159th); B (264th) A (Jonathan Amlong, James Collier, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill); B (Kaleb Burr, Audrey Bush, Marcie Lampe, Elise Thierbach) [1]

2016-2017 Results

Tournament Host Location Finish Team Members Statistics
Eureka Fall Kickoff Tournament Eureka A (1st); B (6th); C (14th) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Chalem, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, Spencer Johnson, Carrie Derner); C (Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach, Zoe Godefroid) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Missouri Fall Missouri A (1st); B (4th); C (t-25th) A (Joe Stitz, Spencer Johnson, Matt Dew, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill, James Collier); C (Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach, Zoe Godefroid) Prelims Playoffs and Superplayoffs Combined
Chamois Fall Quizbowl Tournament Chamois 1st Audrey Bush, James Collier, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach All Stats
Washington University Fall Academic Tournament II WUSTL A (1st); B (7th); C (29th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalen); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill, James Collier); C (Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach, Zoe Godefroid) Prelims Playoffs and Superplayoffs Combined
MOQBA Fall Championship Columbia College A (1st); B (7th); C (t-11th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Carrie Derner, Jonathan Amlong, Spencer Johnson, James Collier); C (Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Ely Schulte, Elise Thierbach) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
Tuscumbia Winter JV Tournament Tuscumbia 2nd Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elisa Thierbach, Ely Schulte Prelims Combined
Oakville GSAC Mirror Oakville A (1st); B (2nd) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
Hallsville Invitational V Hallsville 2nd Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson Prelims Playoffs Combined
Tiger Bowl IX Missouri A (1st); B (t-4th); C (11th) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, James Collier); C (Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach, Ryan Hill) Prelims Combined
WUHSAC XIX WUSTL A (3rd); B (5th); C (t-18th) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, James Collier); C (Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach, Ryan Hill) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs and PlacementCombined
NAQT Missouri Qualifier William Woods University A (1st); B (3rd); C (25th) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, James Collier); C (Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach) Prelims Playoffs SuperplayoffsAll Games
Eagle Invitational Orchard Farm A (1st); B (2nd) A (Joe Stitz, Jonathan Amlong, Spencer Johnson, Cole Phinney); B (Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner, Matt Dew, Ryan Hill) Prelims Playoffs SuperplayoffsAll Games
MACA JV State Helias 2nd James Collier, Audrey Bush, Marcy Lampe, Elise Thierbach Prelims All Games
LIST VI Ladue A (1st); B (4th); C (12th) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, James Collier); C (Audrey Bush, Elise Thierbach, Marcy Lampe, Ely Schulte) Prelims Playoffs Playoffs and SuperplayoffsAll Games
PACE NSC Hyatt Regency O'Hare A (21st); B (72nd) A (Joe Stitz, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew, Cole Phinney); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, James Collier) Prelims Playoffs SundayAll Games

2015-2016 Results

Tournament Host Location Finish Team Members Statistics
Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament III Hallsville A (3rd); B (5th); C (11th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Caleb Young); C (James Collier, Belle Stanfield, Wesley Kamper) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Missouri Fall Academic Tournament VIII Missouri A (1st); B (T-5th); C (14th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Caleb Young); C (James Collier, Corey Inman, Ezra Miles) Prelims Playoffs Combined
CAAT III Centralia A (2nd); B (T-5th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Ryan Hill) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Tuscumbia Winter JV Tournament Tuscumbia A (1st); B (12th) A (Jonathan Amlong, James Collier, Carrie Derner); B (Wesley Kamper, Ezra Miles, Belle Stanfield) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Hallsville Invitational IV Hallsville A (4th); B (12th); C (7th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Wesley Kamper, James Collier, Caleb Young); C (Joe Stitz) Prelims Playoffs
WUHSAC XVIII WUSTL A (t-5th); B (t-9th) A (Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, James Collier, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson) Prelims Playoffs Stage 1 Playoffs Stage 2 Combined
Tiger Bowl VIII Missouri A (4th); B (6th); C (t-22nd) A (Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, James Collier, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson); C (Caleb Young, Morgan Damschroeder) Prelims Combined
Oakville GSAC Mirror Oakville A (2nd); B (7th) A (Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, Morgan Damschroeder, Ryan Hill) Prelims Combined
NAQT Missouri Qualifier Columbia College A (2nd); B (3rd); C (24th) A (Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew); B (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, Ryan Hill); C (Morgan Damschroeder, Caleb Young) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
MACA JV State Helias A (1st); B (12th) A (Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, James Collier, Ryan Hill); B (Corey Inman, Belle Stanfield, Morgan Damschroeder) Prelims Playoffs Combined
April Eagle Regional Open Orchard Farm A (2nd); B (4th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, James Collier, Ryan Hill) Prelims Playoffs Combined
MOQBA Pre-Nationals Washington A (t-1st); B (3rd) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Caleb Young) All Stats
2016 NAQT HSNCT Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX A (t-34th); B (213th) A (Joe Stitz, Cole Phinney, Matt Chalem, Matt Dew); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Carrie Derner, Caleb Young) All Stats

2014-2015 Results

Tournament Host Location Finish Team Members Statistics
Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament II Hallsville A (7th); B (T-10th) A (Carrie Derner, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Spencer Johnson, Jonathan Amlong, Joe Stitz, Ryan Hill) Prelims Playoffs Combined
Missouri Fall Academic Tournament VII Missouri A (13th); B (12th) A (Carrie Derner, Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem); B (Spencer Johnson, Caleb Young, Jonathan Amlong, Joe Stitz, Corey Inman, Ethan White) Prelims Prelims and Playoffs Combined
Jefferson City Invitational Jefferson City 7th (?) Matt Chalem, Matt Dew, Cole Phinney, Spencer Johnson, Joe Stitz Prelims Playoffs (incomplete)
2014 Tuscumbia Winter Tuscumbia A (3rd); B (4th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Caleb Young, Ryan Hill, Jonathan Amlong, Corey Inman) Prelims Playoffs
2015 Orchard Farm Winter Invitational Orchard Farm A (T-5th); B (4th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Caleb Young, Ryan Hill, Jonathan Amlong, Joe Stitz, Joey Schmitt) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
2015 Tuscumbia Winter JV and Middle School Tournament Tuscumbia A (1st); B (2nd) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Ryan Hill, Jonathan Amlong, Joe Stitz) Prelims Playoffs
2015 Tiger Bowl VII Missouri A (T-13th); B (T-13th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Ryan Hill, Jonathan Amlong, Joe Stitz, Caleb Young) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs
2015 Hallsville Invitational III Hallsville A (3rd); B (5th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Joe Stitz, Caleb Young) Prelims Playoffs All Games
WUHSAC XVII WUSTL A (T-6th); B (13th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner, Jonathan Amlong); B (Spencer Johnson, Joe Stitz, Ryan Hill, Caleb Young, Corey Inman) Prelims Playoffs Playoffs and Superplayoffs Combined
2015 MACA JV State Helias A (1st); B (2nd) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Carrie Derner); B (Spencer Johnson, Joe Stitz, Ryan Hill, Jonathan Amlong, Corey Inman) Prelims Playoffs Combined
2015 Oakville GSAC Oakville A (2nd); B (6th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz); B (Spencer Johnson, Carrie Derner, Caleb Young, Jonathan Amlong, Corey Inman) Prelims Top 16 Initial Playoff Pools Top 16 Final Playoff Pools Playoffs All Games
LIST V Ladue T-8th Joe Stitz, Caleb Young Prelims Playoffs Combined
MOQBA Pre-Nationals Rock Bridge A (t-4th); B(t-7th) A (Cole Phinney, Matthew Dew, Joe Stitz); B (Carrie Derner, Spencer Johnson, Matt Chalem) All Games
2015 PACE NSC Hyatt Regency of Reston, VA A (84th); B (87th) A (Cole Phinney, Matt Dew, Matt Chalem, Joe Stitz); B (Spencer Johnson, Caleb Young, Carrie Derner) Prelims-A team Prelims-B team Playoffs Sunday Placement Games
NAQT Missouri Champion
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  1. Jump up 2023-24 MSHSAA enrollment (grades 9-11 in March 2023), from https://www.mshsaa.org/Activities/SchoolEnrollments.aspx