Academic Competition Newsletter Vol. VI issue 2 editors: Eric Owens and Gaius Stern Oct. 1999 Welcome to the second issue of the sixth year of the Academic Competition Newsletter. The primary mission of the newsletter is to spread information about QB to new players and schools. To get a free subscription (or drop it), just write the editors and ask to be (un)subscribed. When posting questions or gripes, however, please write only to the editors and not to the entire subscription list. The newsletter will endeavor to report fully on all QB events for teams West of the Mississippi or of interest to those teams, continuing the earlier policy to extend coverage towards the Midwest. As always, subscribers are encouraged to write the newsletter editors with columns, tournament invitations, opinions, corrections, and especially tournament results. Eric Owens Gaius Stern etowens_at_... gaius_at_... Contents: Calendar High School Tournaments list Berkeley arranges discount buzzer purchase Invitations to: Oklahoma Wichita St. Illinois Berkeley WIT Quincy Quiz-Bowl Media Page How to start a new quiz-bowl program FALL 1999 QUIZBOWL INVITATIONAL CALENDAR Oct 2 Missouri-Rolla Contact: Ben Lea <bjlea_at_...> Oct 9 Oklahoma Contact: Dan Beshear <mrsb_at_...> Oct 16 Iowa Contact: Nichol Vogeler <nvogeler_at_...> Oct 23 Wichita St Contact: Eric Owens <etowens_at_...> Illinois Contact: Subash Maddipoti <subashm_at_...> Oct 30 Berkeley WIT Contact: Mike Usher <usher_at_...> Minnesota (Deep Bench) Contact: Dave Dorman <ddorman_at_...> Quincy Contact: Brian Dever <deverbr_at_...> Nov 6 TRASH Regionals at following sites: California-Irvine Contact: Willie Chen <willchen_at_...> Missouri-Kansas City Contact: Amit Adhawan <adhawan_at_...> Texas-Austin Contact: Jeff Ford <jeffford_at_...> Nov 13 NAQT Conference Tournaments at following sites: Cal-Tech Contact: Chris Nolte <nolte_at_...> Illinois Contact: Mike Angel <angel_at_...> Iowa State Contact: Joel Uckelman <uckelman_at_...> Nov 20 Washington-St Louis Contact: Roger Bhan <rsbhan_at_...> Texas-Austin (NAQT Conference Tournament) Contact: Jeff Ford <jeffford_at_...> Dec 4 Washington-St Louis Contact: Ken Mitchell <kemitche_at_...> HIGH SCHOOL TOURNAMENTS LIST This list is provided as a guide to those tournament directors who are trying to decide dates for their tournaments, so that they might be able to schedule around dates that schools who would be likely to attend their tournament have already scheduled their high school tournaments for. These are the tournaments that the editors are aware of at this time; please feel free to notify either Eric or Gaius of other events. Oct 23 Arkansas Oct 30 Oklahoma Nov 6 California-Santa Barbara Dec 4 Berkeley Certamen -- HS Latin Bowl Jan 15 California-Irvine Jan 22 Wichita St
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