BERKELEY ARRANGES DISCOUNT BUZZER PURCHASE The UC Berkeley Quizbowl Club and Gaius Stern have arranged a discount with the Creative Electronics Design buzzer company which manufactures the Quizwizard II system. This is the infamous "Gordian Knot" system featured on the MD Academic Club webpage. The price of the system is: $500 for 12 players, $575 for 16 players and FREE Shipping. This represents about $30 off the regular price and whatever the shipping expenses are (probably another $40). If you wish to buy this system, write to <gaius_at_...> with questions and info. You need to say what size system you want and the address to ship it to. Once it arrives, send the check directly to the company. The company has a website at but it is not very helpful. You can also get a discount with the Judge, and Specialty Design Corps just by calling them and saying you read about them in the newsletter for college quizbowl. OKLAHOMA ROUTE 66 CLASSIC V The University of Oklahoma Academic Team will be hosting Route 66 Classic V: The Series, on October 9th, 1999. Matches will be played in the NAQT tossup-and-bonus format using NAQT questions, in untimed rounds. The tournament will be round-robin, with a single-elimination championship tournament to determine the winner. Teams will get a minimum of ten games, unless they leave early. The tournament will be broken up into "Open" and "Junior Bird" brackets. "Open" is open to teams whose members consist of students currently enrolled at a college or university and are not NAQT question writers (since we are using NAQT questions). The "Junior Bird" division will consist of teams whose players are first-year NAQTers, including those who have played in College Bowl's Honda Challenge. Note: the Junior Bird division will be scrapped if less than four teams indicate interest. For more information, contact Dan Beshear at <mrsb_at_...>. WICHITA ST TO HOST JUNIOR TURKEY QUIZ-FEST III The Wichita State University Academic Quiz Team is pleased to announce its third annual "junior-bird" tournament, Junior Turkey Quiz-Fest III. This year's tournament will be held on Saturday, October 23, 1999, on the campus of Wichita State University. We will be playing official NAQT rules, including 9 minute halves. Eligibility for this year's tournament will be slightly different than in the past. All participants must meet ONE of the following requirements: * Meet NAQT Division II eligibility (Freshmen, first-year player, or JUCO player) OR * Attend a school that has only played in CBCI competition in the last 2 years OR * Have never averaged 15 points/game in intercollegiate competition. Obviously all participants will be on the honor system on this last point, but at least SOME checking will be done. For more info contact TD Eric Owens at <etowens_at_...>. ILLINIFEST 99 The tournament will be held on October 22-23, 1999. Thus, it will be a Fri-Sat event beginning no earlier than 7 PM on Friday evening. Packet submission is not required. The distribution will be strict ACF distribution with an extra pop culture/sports question thrown in. Matches will consist of 21 tossups and accompanying boni. This is an open tournament, so anyone can play (bastard teams are fine as well). There will be prizes awarded to top collegiate teams. For more information, contact Subash Maddipoti at <subashm_at_...>.
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