Not only is NBC bringing back Twenty-One, but CBS
has announced its filming a pilot for a new version
of The $64,000 Question (grand prize to be adjusted
for inflation).
Admittedly, the only reasons
NBC and CBS are even considering such shows is the
surprise success of ABC's WWTBAM? Plus, it doesn't hurt
that the above shows (primarily 21) were in the crux
of the 50's game show scandal (in fact, NBC has
already said it would emphasize the "controversial"
aspect of 21 when promoting it).
As for the
shows succeeding, I don't know. The format of the 64K
Question is a lot like WWTBAM, with the main difference
being the contestant chooses his/her expert category.
NBC filmed a pilot for 21 in 1982, but was discarded,
reportedly because the game was a bore.
Plus, ABC
had it right by making a show like WWTBAM a series of
specials. It made the show unique. Unfortunately, that may
be thrown out the window, as a daily syndicted
version of WWTBAM is being pitched for next fall. Gotta
love television - take a great concept and burn it to
the ground.