First off, the person to whom I am responding
seems to be demanding massive changes in the contents
of QB questions specifically for the benefit of a
group of players. But that's an entirely separate
Well, there were the Canada ballots and
an entirely different joke/protest/whatever ballot.
I suppose people who put Canada teams in there had
their reasons, balance being one of them, perhaps.
But in the end, assuming Canada has its own circuit
that could evolve in a very different way with a
different canon... is an attempt at a trans-national poll
really an excerise in futility?
As for sabotage,
why would one vote someone who wouldn't even come
close to being a top ranked team at #1, and then
proceed to list several programs that may not exist
and/or ones that have not been seen/heard from in a long
time, and submit the same ballot repeatedly three polls
in a row? The only word that comes to mind there is
"sabotage." I don't _think_ that was the motivation for the
Canada ballots, but I could be wrong.