> 3. What is to be done about this? > Diverse viewpoints to some extent are useful, > and the new tabulation system muffles joke, > protest, or other extreme outlying ballots to > some extent - their effect on the poll results > were not generally significant. However, I > cannot help but feel as if some individuals are > intentionally sabotaging the efforts of myself > and others to provide a source of > news/information to the AC community. Intentional sabotage? That's pretty harsh. Compare to this: - refusing to acknowledge the viability of non-US buzzer bowl teams, disparaging tournaments featuring international content, and refusing to acknowledge the results of these tournaments, and refusing to accept that US content skews buzzer games in favour of us players. I don't think either was intentional, but in the battle of the bands, the poll loses to ten new buzzer bowl programs that came a long way to be here. > 4. What about Canada? > Hmmm....Canada probably needs its own poll. > Though I have heard of most of the Canadian > universities listed, I imagine neither I nor > most voters from south of the border are aware > of even the existence of QB programs from the > bulk of them. It would seem silly to ban > Canadian programs (or British ones, for that > matter) from being mentioned, but at the same > time there is little if any basis for > comparison in most cases. This may change in > the future, as more activity takes place up > there and/or people in the USA hear more about > it. I agree that there is little opportunity for comparison. But at the same time, teams in different parts of the US have no better an opportunity to evaluate talent in other parts. In case anyone forgot, Imperial College came and placed tenth in a national tournament not too long ago. Queen's had a pretty good team a few years ago, and Western probably has a good one right now, though Canada is forever hampered by the lack of nth year graduate students. Basically, no non-US team, regardless of its performance, has ever slipped into the top 25 in the poll. But a number of teams that are about even-odds to beat these foreign teams are in the top 25 consistently. So who's making the nonsense vote? The dude who puts some team he's never seen play in the top 25 because it was there last time, or the dude who looks at the records of teams 20-25 and checks if they beat the next 25 teams consistently before voting?
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