If it does turn out that this was not an honest
mistake, then it is an insult to everyone who takes the
time to write questions.
For the record, when
this was first discussed in the chat room, everyone
was appalled at the situation, and given that
Illinifest was decided by a coin flip, the term Black
Saturday was coined. However, I have also been surprised
that these events did not spark a torrent of email on
the mailing list.
Anyway, back to my original
point. For example, there were people (myself included)
who bitched about the Vanderbilt questions, but the
fact remains that Matt Schneller took the time to
write an entire tournament. Others have done the same
thing, and countless QB'ers have written at least a
packet's worth of questions. So for whoever is responsible
to be lazy and pilfer from the archive -- I'm sorry,
but IMHO, that is a grave disservice and insult to
those who have worked hard on writing their questions.
Whoever is responsible owes an apology to the QB
community, the original authors of the stolen questions, and
the Penn State team for discrediting their