This is the third part of my reply. It's being posted separately solely because Yahoo! limits message size. "last time I checked, there was a lot of stuff in the Bible about love and forgiveness; yet, churches today attempt to use the Bible to continue their patriarchal oppression of women and gays by only accepting sexist and heterosexist interpretations of the Bible." I consider this an attempt to convert me to a different branch of Christianity or to a different religion altogether. I believe that God mandates only celibate and unmarried male priests and considers homosexual activity - or any sex not intended for procreation - a sin. I don't consider those who espouse different views or who partake in such actions vile scum, but I do believe that they are sinning. My justification for this is the Pope, and I consider any attempts to convert me from this incorrect on the fact that the Pope doesn't claim it to be so. I also consider any claims opposing this by Catholics not "true" Catholicism - one is treating my religion as a buffet table. My personal examination of my faith has led me to believe that a) God exists, and b) that He speaks via the Pope interpreting the Bible. I don't agree with everything stated by Catholicism, and I believe that I'm eventually going to have to answer for it. My (admittedly cursory) examination of the relation between science and religion furthers my belief that such a God can exist with scientific phenomena. Catholicism presents moral guidelines, which can't really be disproven (or proven, for that matter). I recognize that not everyone believes this. Whoop-dee-doo for you. I'll be judged on these views when (if, for atheists) I am judged. I'm comfortable with this.
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