Reply to Hayden, as well as Kristen.
year, the Georgetown team of myself, Allison Holmes,
Steve Friedman, and Mike Freiberg went 12-3 at
TRASHionals, and accumulated the most points of any
undergraduate team comprised of people from the same school.
So, we considered ourselves the undergraduate
More specifically, I took offense to the exclusion of
TRASH. While other genres have easy reference guides
like a World Almanac, Janson's Story of Painting,
etc., TRASH has no such handy guides, and information
must be gathered from everywhere. Winning a TRASH
championship is just as prestigious as any other, since pop
culture probably has more bearing on our lives as a whole
than Sumerian Love Poetry or Jan VanEyck.
I'm not
trying to start a war here, but I just feel that being a
good TRASH player is just as hard, or if not harder,
as being a good "regular" player.