Also up there was my lousy buzz at '97 NAQT NCTs
in Philly. I was on a 5 or 6 tossup run (usually
that's when most of my worst negs are, as any teammate
of mine knows all too well) and my GW team were
beating Georgetown College of Kentucky pretty handily.
The tossup was about flowers, as was obvious to
everyone in the room at the time I beat everyone to the
buzzer. For some reason, mostly because a lot of time was
spent discussing "reproductive structures," the answer
I had in my head was "genitalia."
question even ended with something about leaving them at
people's doors as presents. But I stilled buzzed in and
said "genitalia." The identically dressed folk from
the opposing team gave me _extremely_ dirty looks
while the moderator (Pat Matthews, I believe) chuckled
a bit. Neither Steve Sheiko nor Dave Zuckerman
could stop laughing.