"all I wanted to know was how much time you spend
doing this stuff in college?"
Well, I can only
speak for myself when I say "not much". I mean, in my
senior year I went to every practice and nearly every
tournament but I did so because many of the folks on the
team were my friends. I never saw it as "practice" or
any other sort of drudgery. As far as
studying/question writing went I didn't put much time into it. I
enjoy reading trivia books already and was, for the
most part, content with my PPG output. I didn't much
see the point in memorizing volumes about stuff I
didn't care about so I stuck to learning what interested
me and improving upon the things I already knew
well. From that standpoint I didn't invest a lot of
extra effort into QB.
"I did It's Ac in high
school, and it was a major part of my time because it was
fun, etc. and I got semi-decent...now that I'm in
college I have moved on to a lot of different things and
I'm wondering if I should join the team here and how
it would affect my time, etc."
OK, two points
here. 1) If you had fun at the HS level you will likely
have fun at the college level. 2) Should you join?
What do you have to lose?