Bea, You sound like you're considering this enough that you should probably just give in and go to a few practices and see what it's like. To give you a better idea of the time commitment, I've able to do this while maintaining a few other activities on the side, including a very active leadership position in another student organization which was almost time-consuming as quizbowl. And I probably spend more time on quizbowl than a lot of people. I could tell you that you should be prepared to clear a few weekends completely from your schedule. I'm talking on the level of doing your work due Monday or Tuesday well in advance. I could tell you to be prepared for long road trips, potentially cheap hotels, and other things. I could tell you that you should be able to commit to going to practices on a semi-regular basis, at least enough so that people wonder about you when you are not there. Depending on the set-up, these practices can be serious, or fun, or both at times. Once a week, twice a week, whatever it is at your school. Most people are understanding if you can't go to every practice; the rest are assholes. Or you can play on a less than full time basis. Some people on your team may not like that, but don't let them bug you if you truly enjoy this endeavor. The bottom line is: do as much as you want. You won't be as good as if you devoted your full effort to it, but so what? It can still be fun. You may end up semi-decent at best. You may end up pretty good. Be content to suck, if that is your level. Be content to be better.if you can. I think it's obvious that you want to do this, but you're afraid of being sucked in like the rest of us. If it ends up being better than anything else you do, don't be afraid to like quizbowl more. Come on over to the dark side. :)
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