Boston University is proud to announce Crimson Puppy Chow VI: To Say Nothing of the Dog, a junior bird tournament to be held Saturday, October 19, 2002. Though it is not certain, the tournament will likely be held in the College of Arts and Sciences Building, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA. (Directions will be made available shortly.) ELIGIBILITY This tournament is a junior bird, open to college teams composed entirely of members in their first or second year of collegiate play. No graduate students, no teams from multiple colleges, no high school teams, no trained chimpanzees -- just undergraduates in their first or second year of collegiate play. FORMAT The tournament is will be conducted using NAQT Intramural questions; as a result, no packet submission is required. Most of NAQT's rules will be followed, with the notable exception that rounds will be untimed and consist of 20 (twenty) tossups (with associated bonuses). If possible, we intend to run a full round robin; in any event, 12 games are guaranteed for all teams. FEE STRUCTURE Base fee: $100 Each team after the first: -$10 (cumulative) Each functioning buzzer system: -$10 Each functioning moderator/scorekeeper: -$10 Travel discount: more than 100 miles, -$10 Never been to Puppy Chow: Automatic minimum Minimum: $60 BU is devoted to encouraging the participation of new teams and former CBI-only teams; if any such teams wish to join us but have problems raising the necessary funds, e-mail us, and we'll see what we can do. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, you may reach the team at qbowlNOSPAM_at_... or contact me, Erik Nielsen, directly at enielsenNOSPAM_at_....
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