It was brought to my attention that there wasn't an explicit distribution on our website, so I'll put one up and post it here. Deadlines are in an earlier message I posted. FYI, current registration consists of teams from: University of Chicago, Texas A&M, UCLA, Stanford (likely multiple teams), Berkeley (definitely multiple teams), and possibly a few free agents. If you haven't let me know that you're coming (or are strongly considering it), please do so so I can plan accordingly. We plan to run a singles tournament after, likely using an NAQT IS set. Other reasons to come to Berkeley October 12 for WIT: A rare opportunity to see a 3-D pornographic film: Berkeley's Act I and II theatre will be showing Disco Dolls in Hot Skin that night at 12:00am. The distribution is appended. David Farris farris at-sign berkeley dot math dot berkeley dot edu Question Distribution --------------------- Each submitted packet shall consist of 25 tossups and 25 bonuses using the following category distribution: History/Politics/Government 6 TU/6 B (1 TU/1 B each from) World History before 1492 C.E. European History 1492 C.E. - 1945 African/Asian/Latin American/Australian/Oceania History 1492 C.E. - 1945 North American History 1492 C.E. - 1945 Non-US 1946+ US 1946+ (a primarily current question should be in the CE distribution below, not in the last two categories above) Literature 5/5 American Literature 2/2 Non-American Literature in the English Language 1/1 Literature not in the English Language (not both in the same language) 1/1 1/1 of your choice. They should be well-distributed with respect to time period, geography, and genre. At least 1/1 should be poetry, 1/1 should be drama, and 2/2 prose fiction. Criticism, other genres, or more of the same can make up the rest. Fine Arts (2/2) 2/2 from Visual art/architecture, music, film, and either something from another form of art or a different sort of work in one of the previous three categories (e.g. an architecture or sculpture question if you already included one on painting) Humanities and Social Science 4 TU/4 B: Philosophy/Religion/Mythology (2/1 or 1/2) Social Science (1/2 or 2/1) (e.g. econ, psych, linguistics, sociology, anthro, archaeology when it's not really history. no more than one question from any one area). Geography (1/1) Science 5 TU/5 B (1 TU/1 B each from): Physics/Astronomy Biology Chemistry Mathematics/Computer Science Other areas of science & engineering No more than half of the total of chemistry and biology questions should be biochem/organic chem. Other stuff (3/3): Pop culture 1/1 Current Events (non-pop culture) 1/1 Whatever you want, including general knowledge 1/1. Question Difficulty ------------------- These shouldn't be too hard. While it's open eligibility, it's not a master's tournament. Reasonable teams that without aging quiz superstars should recognize most of the answers and should expect to get at least 10 (and hopefully more) on most bonuses. farris at-sign math dot berkeley dot edu
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