<<The practice reduces the relative
importance of tossup play,>>
Maybe this is a
dumb question.... but why does a tossup "have" to be
worth 10 points? Why couldn't we make a TU worth, say,
15 or 20 points? [Or, for that matter, reduce boni
to 20 points each?]
<<But there are
likely to be fewer close
Perhaps.... but perhaps not. Using the case in point of the
National Scholastics Championship (the only tournament for
which I have data detailed enough to make such
Of 124 matches played, the results of using
bouncebacks were as follows:
* 53 matches had LARGER
differences in score than w/o bouncebacks,
* 8 had no
difference in score, and
* 63 matches had SMALLER
differences in score.
The net change in score by using
bouncebacks: 1.05 points per game.
I cannot say the
results would be the same at the college level, but then
again, isn't the only way to know for sure to actually
*try* it?
* 63 had