Samer wrote, "Why couldn't we make a TU worth,
say, 15 or 20 points? [Or, for that matter, reduce
boni to 20 points each?]"
I've been thinking
about the recent discussion here for a couple of days,
and it occurred to me that what we're talking about
here are *bonus* points. IMHO, *bonus* points ought to
be a reward for getting the tossup correct, and
therefore, I don't think that there should be bouncebacks --
I think Eric said something along the lines of,
what's the point of getting the tossup when you have a
chance at the bonus anyway? And even an advantage at the
bonus, since one wrong answer has been ruled out
already? I find it ironic that the team that correctly
answers the tossup would have that slight disadvantage
when it comes to the bonus . . .
Further, I
think that the game is too dependent on bonus points;
the word "bonus" implies "special" or even "extra".
Thus, I would support experimentation with having boni
worth only 20 points as opposed to 30, thus making the
game more reliant on tossups, which are a result of
direct competition. I think 20 points would still be
enough to reward superior knowledge, as Eric (I think)
put it.