On November 23rd 2002 the University of Arkansas will host its first
collegiate quizbowl competition, Baby Back Bowl, here in sunny
Fayetteville. It will be a junior bird tournament, open to only
first and second year players. Questions will be gracefully provided
by NAQT (as seen on the NAQT website). I'll send out prices,
directions, and additional specifics (as soon as I figure out what
they are) to interested teams. This would be a great event for all
of the newer schools and players in this great region of ours. I'm
sure it will prove to be a rip roarin' affair.
Please contact me, Andy Wehrman, at awehrma_at_... with all your
questions, concerns, or tasty pie recipes.
Best Wishes,
Andy Wehrman, Arkansas Quizbowl President