This is the official announcement for the Third Annual Novice Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament at the University of South Florida on Saturday, November 23, 2002. To register, email Jeremy.Rasmussen! (replace the ! with _at_). Deadline to register is Nov. 16, 2002. Eligibility: The tournament field is open to teams composed of players in their first or second year of collegiate Quiz Bowl competition, all of whom attend the same school. Format: Each match will consist of 20 tossups and bonuses, divided into two untimed halves. The tournament will consist of some form of round robin followed by a playoff to decide the tournament champion. [For the past two years, this tournament has been a mirror of the Illinois Novice Tournament. We are currently in negotiations with UIUC to see if this will happen again, but I wanted to make the announcement now so that teams could start planning accordingly.] Prices: -- Base Registration Fee: $100 -- Equipment Discount: -$10 per working buzzer that we use -- Moderator Discount: -$10 per experienced moderator or tournament official (statkeeper/scorekeeper) -- Out of State Discount: -$10 -- Extra teams: * Second team discount - $10 * Third team discount - $20 * Fourth team discount - $30 * Fifth team discount - $40 Minimum (with all discounts): $50 per team Purchase of Question Packets: $15 There is a $25 fee for any team that registers but then cancels or fails to show for non-emergency reasons without notifying me via email two days in advance. Make checks payable to: "QUIZ BOWL TEAM AT USF" c/o Jeremy Rasmussen 18103 Fairmead Court Lutz, FL 33548 The "Quiz Bowl Team at USF" is tax-exempt non-profit organization. However, we are not chartered as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization (it costs too much). We do have a Federal Tax ID number, though, which is: 593627376. Tentative tournament schedule: Team sign-in is from 8-9 a.m. in Cooper Hall. See Quiz Bowl web site for updated info as the tournament date approaches:
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